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13 Unusual and Mysterious Natural Disasters on Earth and Other Planets

Think of natural disasters, and many of us will imagine images of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods. Nevertheless, many unusual and often unexplained natural phenomena can cause chaos on our planet and beyond which we cannot even imagine. From mystifying ice quakes to supermassive solar flares all unusual natural disasters are attention grabbers, necessary to understand, and fun to learn. In this blog, we’ll discuss the 13 unusual and mysterious natural disasters, on Earth and other planets.

Unusual natural incidents on Earth

Fire Tornadoes

When a regular tornado catches fire it becomes a fire tornado or firenado. It can be very deadly, flame can reach up to thousands of feet spewing fire and debris in a destructive whirlwind.

Volcano Lightning

Volcano lightning occurs during volcanic eruptions. It appears as a bolt of lightning over the volcano. Volcanologists are unable to describe the exact reasons but have an idea that when volcanic products like magma, ash, and rock crash in the air it creates electrical charges that appear as bolts.


Sinkholes are getting increased attention from people because of their mysteriousness. It seems that increasing infrastructure construction leads to the removal of natural barriers, creating sinkholes. Erosion of underground limestone or rock might be the reason but scientists are still working to understand why and how they form. A sinkhole can swallow cars, buildings, entire streets, and even people. Countless sinkholes can be seen in The US state of Florida. These sinkholes have swallowed entire houses, leaving only roofs visible above the ground. Other countries such as China, Guatemala, and Russia have also experienced significant sinkhole events.

Dust Devils

Like a tornado or firenado, it is a tornado that contains dust, dirt, and debris and is called a dust devil. These phenomena are common in deserts and nearby lands. It may be damaging depending on the area it comes into contact with.


This is a disaster seen in water bodies like oceans and lakes. Violent rotating columns of water are called waterspouts. It seems harmless but would be very dangerous and can roll over boats.

Blue Jets

This is another rare phenomenon known as blue jets which can be witnessed during thunderstorms and appear as blue lightning in the upper atmosphere. Usually, it is harmless but the scene might be breathtaking and majestic. It can’t be said a disaster but an unusual natural incident.

Meteor Showers

Like blue jets, it is harmless and can’t be said a disaster but in an unusual natural incident, watching it might be breathtaking, unpredictable, and majestic. This phenomenon seems like hundreds of shooting stars falling on Earth but disappearing without reaching Earth.

Ice Circles

Ice circles can be formed on frozen rivers, ponds, and lakes. These mesmerizing circles occur as a result of higher temperatures of water beneath frozen lakes and rivers.

ice circles
ice circles

Cryoseism or Ice quakes

Ice quakes are also called frost quakes. This is like an earthquake but it occurs when the water underground freezes suddenly, causing pressure to build up and eventually fracturing the overlying rock or soil. These are short spans and not damaging like earthquakes. Ice quakes are common in northern parts of Canada, the United States, and Europe.

Ball Lightning

Another less describes, less witnessed, and rare natural incident, that scientists fail to explain. People have observed it as a fireball which is a glowing sphere that can move through the air randomly. There are some casualties and property damage associated with this incident have been reported.

Unusual incidents in the solar system

Supermassive Black Holes

This unusual incident is related to the universe and not particular to Earth. The topmost mystery of today is about Black holes. These are some unsolved powerful objects in the universe and are subject to exploration considering the possibility of wreaking havoc on its surrounding area, including distorting time and space.

Solar Flares

Solar flares are also called Space storms. These unusual incidents occur out of Earth in the solar system. When the sun’s magnetic field becomes abnormal, it can release a burst of energy in the form of a solar flare or space storm. A typical Solar flare creates disturbances in our Earth’s magnetic field. Auroras can be seen as a result, which are incredibly beautiful light shows visible in high-latitude regions like Alaska and Canada. However, strong solar flares can interfere with power grids and communication systems, causing significant damage to these systems.

Dust Storms

This Storm occurs on Mars, dust storms can reach epic proportions. These natural disasters can grow to massive size, covering much of the planet’s surface with dark-colored dust. These storms can last for months, causing concerns from scientists about any potential damage to NASA’s Mars rover and future manned missions. These storms can move at incredible speeds and can generate winds up to 100 miles per hour, with dark clouds of dust causing low visibility issues to those on the Martian surface.


Next time when you hear Natural disasters, you won’t always think of earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes but also some of these bizarre disasters as well. From fire tornadoes to ice circles, the natural world can be a strange and unpredictable place. While we may never fully understand some of these phenomena, they can have a substantial impact on people and their property. They also remind us of the power and beauty of the world around us. When it comes to disasters, whether usual or unusual, most damaging or less damaging, preparedness is the key to saving yourself and your family.

Scientific Study on the Evacuation Strategy During Natural Disaster

  1. Han, S. Y., Tsou, M. H., Knaap, E., Rey, S., & Cao, G. (2019). How do cities flow in an emergency? Tracing human mobility patterns during a natural disaster with big data and geospatial data science. Urban Science3(2), 51.
  2. Wang, Q., & Taylor, J. E. (2016). Patterns and limitations of urban human mobility resilience under the influence of multiple types of natural disasters. Plos one11(1), e0147299.
  3. Sufian, H., & Oyama, T. (2021). Investigating Evacuation Trends and Restoration Processes from Serious Earthquake Damage in Japan. American Journal of Operations Research11(1), 35-61.