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The Agricultural Setup in Pakistan: A Case Study

This blog addresses the Agricultural Setup and Hazards related to Agricultural Practices in Pakistan. To understand, we are reporting the responses of a survey-based study. Which includes farmers’ socio-economic, and demographic information and their responses.

By definition, Agriculture is the practice of growing, harvesting, and processing crops or livestock for food or non-food use for present or future generations. But the by-products of crop and livestock production can pollute the air, water, and soil.

Pakistan is blessed to have fertile soil that supports agriculture. It plays a crucial role in feeding the population. But these agricultural practices can also lead to environmental pollution and in turn, environmental pollution leads to the destruction of the agriculture sector thus destroying the economy of Pakistan.

To understand our country’s situation, we’re going to do a case study to realize the causes and impacts of agricultural pollution on the environment. And to give you a real-life example, we’ll be focusing on Karachi. We took a closer look at agricultural sites like Memon Goth, Haji Shidi Goth, and Bin Qasim Town. Plus, we had a chat with farmers at three different farm locations. We collected some really interesting info during our research, like the types of pesticides and fertilizers these farmers use, the water needs of crops based on the climate and season, and the different types of waste generated from farming activities.

Case Study:

Study Area:

We conducted our study in three different agricultural sites: Memon Goth, Haji Shidi Goth Bin Qasim Town, and Kari Kor Malik Bangla. These areas are located in and around Karachi, Pakistan. We chose this specific location because it offers a wide range of farming opportunities. Our main goal was to gather information and facts about agricultural land. Our study covered both agricultural lands within the city limits and those outside. Luckily, we successfully gathered all the necessary data.


Observation was based on a questionnaire and the following questions were asked to understand the demographics and processes of agriculture activities. ,

Result of Case Study:

Table 1: It shows the farmers’ responses to the investigative questions of agriculture practices and problems

2AgeL1 (site 1) – 50 years
L2 (site 2)- 40 years
L3  (site 3)- 41 years
4IncomeL1: 50k -60k according to season
L2: n/a
L3 : n/a
5Kind of crops cultivated:
i. Winter CropsL1- Artificial and Organic Garlic, Green onion, Soya, Radish, Turnip, Brinjal, Celery, Spinach, Fenugreek, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Tomato, Wheat, Saag and Grass. Bitter gourd, Bottle gourd, Kakri, Cucumber, Beans, Spinach, Almonds and Grass.
ii. Summer CropsL2- All types of seasonal vegetables and fruits, custard apple being the specialty.
L3- Mainly grass, and seasonal vegetables.
6Insects SpottedButterflies, Red wrigglers, Grass Hoppers, bees
7Fertilizer used:
Natural or SyntheticL1 – Natural fertilizer used
L2 – Agro fertilizer and Animal dung
L3 – Natural and synthetic used
8Kind of irrigating waterAll the farmers had access to fresh water and well irrigated areas.
9Utensils and Tools usedPlough, Rake, Sickle, Shovel, Cultivators, Axe, Mattock, Hedge trimmer, Trowel, Scare crow.
10WeedsThey are taken out of the crop fields and used as a fodder for animals.
11Climatic condition on crop growthIn Winter = Slow but best quality crop.
In summer = fast but medium quality crop.
12Pesticide/Insecticide useFarmers do use pesticide spray
In summer they use more quantity of spray than winter. This spray is expensive to buy.
13Vehicles for fieldTractors, Cultivators, Harvesters.
14Vehicles for public transportationTrucks, Donkey carts, Trailers, Pickup vans.
15Plastic pollution observedSnack wrappers, plastic bottles, Tooth paste tubes,
16Health effects of working on a fieldSun tanning, Skin allergies due to chemical sprays and can also cause inhalation of harmful fumes. So, they wear masks to protect themselves.
17Use of Crop coverFarmers do not use crop cover technique, because of less rainfall, and good sunlight. They do not need to hide from any harsh conditions.
18Do floods destroy any crop fields?Floods may cause a part of field to get damaged. Roots absorb excess water and gets fungus or contamination which may cause harm to the fields.
19Where does the waste water go?These lands hardly get enough water for cultivation, so no waste water is generated.
20How do they reduce excess heavy metals and pollutants?By driving tractor over and over again and sunbathing the fields for better nutrient mix and less pollutant contamination.
21Crop Rotation techniqueYes
22Legal or Illegal land?Legal land
23Land private or governmentPrivate land
24Animals used on farmSheep, Cows, Bulls, Goats were kept on a plot with grass land.
25How much water does the land use annually?No information
26Does the family work with the farmer?Yes
27Field waste useAll the waste is recycled and reused. But on the other hand, the weeds and waste material which they do not use gets dumped near an empty land and gets incinerated, which produces GHGs.
28What modern technology was observed?Use of solar panel was an environmentally friendly approach. Followed by use of tractors..
29How much time does a crop take to harvest?40 days approx..
30Any Approach towards sustainable use?Bio-ropes made of dry, long, and strong leaves were used for tying the crops and grass on L1 and L2.
31Does the insects do any harm towards the crops?Locusts may eat away a fair amount of crops and can also damage the roots of crops.
32What kind of waste is produced?Animal dung produces a good amount of methane when burnt, while solid waste is dumped on a nearby land.
33What other Air pollution might be present?Apart from solid waste burning, cooking food on the farm using wood or coal as a source of fire may result in a low amount of carbon monoxide production..
34Which family members were helping on the land?All family members were working on the land, with females on one side and males on the other. Females also had little kids with them who were giving a helping hand towards their parents.
35What was used to protect the crops from outside animals?Guard dogs, scare crows, and sharp wood sticks were used to protect from intruders.


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