climate change global warming
Past 10 Years: Global Warming and Earth

Global Warming is the most challenging for Earth for the last 10 years Global warming…

moringa benefits
The Incredible Moringa Oleifera Tree: A Super Food for Human Health

Moringa Oleifera is also called "Sohanjana" or "Sanjana" in Pakistan. The tree is native to…

rare infectious diseases by climate change
Rare Infectious diseases triggered by Climate change

Today, Climate change is one of the most persistent and greatest challenges to the lives…

plastic recycing is bad
Plastic recycling – A solution or A problem?

Plastic recycling is a scandalous subject that has been criticized for years. Commonly, people think…

climate change increases diseases
How Climate Change Increases Infectious Diseases

  It is known to everyone the top environmental concern is climate change. This is…

karachi city trees
Abundance and Species of Common Trees in Karachi

Top 20 Common Species of Trees and their abundance in the city of Karachi According…

natural disasters weird
13 Unusual and Mysterious Natural Disasters on Earth and Other Planets

Think of natural disasters, and many of us will imagine images of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes,…

benefits of trees
Benefits of Urban Forestry in Big Cities

Sustainable cities are those that have urban forests. Since 2007, more people are living in…

removal of micrcoplastics
Microplastics Removal with Fungi

What are microplastics? After climate change, one of the biggest threats to Earth is increasing…

foods with least microplastics
How to consume less microplastic through food

Introduction Plastics, being convenient, light, durable, and cheap, have been used in almost every product,…