Top 15 most important species and their role in the survival of the earth

Introduction Since the Birth of the Earth, billions of species inhabited this place and played…

cop 28 summary
Cop28 outcomes & commitment of 100 billion dollars in climate finance

Introduction Like every year, the Conference of the Parties COP gathered for 12 days in…

Agenda of COPs
Conference of Parties: Agenda of all COPs 1-29?

Introduction of COP The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) holds an annual…

environmental economics easy
How to Understand Environmental Economics Easily

Environmental Economics There are several branches of economics, and one of them is environmental economics.…

Pakistan MEA
Multilateral environmental agreements ratified by Pakistan

Pakistan being an active, and environmentally conscious country has become a part of many multilateral…

Paper bag is not good for environment
Paper bags are not an eco-friendly alternative to plastic bags

Introduction Plastic pollution is one of the greatest environmental crises, we are facing right now…

bioplastics biodegradable plastics
Is biodegradable plastic a reality or what?

Introduction With an increase in Environmental consciousness among states, consumers, and industrialists, the public is…

Phytoplankton or microalgae
Importance of microalgae in solving environmental issues

Changing weather patterns, Environmental awareness, and an increase in technological advancement, are reasons, the world…

composting lomi
Composting and how to do Lomi / Bokashi composting?

Introduction Composting is one of the best sustainable approaches for those who have decided to…

dirty dozen clean 15
Are your Fruits and Vegetables Safe? The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15

Introduction Vegetables and fruits are considered the most healthiest and nutritious diet among all food…